一、 支撑气弹簧 Lift gas spring
Lift gas spring is also named kingh thead which is the most popular and widely used gas spring.It's main purpose is to support,it has only two conditions:the shortest and longest,it can not auto stop in a stroke,It's longest when free and short when pressed by force and can evenreach the shortest.
二、可控气弹簧Lockable gas spring
可控气弹簧在整个行程的任何位置都可以锁定。主要是通过控制器(手柄或者拉线)达到效果。也可通过活塞杆的伸缩来实现。当用控制器调整在理想位置时停止,阀门会独立的关闭,活塞杆会锁定在所要求的位置 。当锁定发生时,能实现锁定。但是如果超过了锁定力,锁定功能将不再有效。
Lockable gas springs can be locked anywhere along the complete stroke. By pushing the release pin, the piston valve opens allowing gas or oil to flow through the piston and the piston rod extends or can be pushed in. When the release pin is no longer being pushed, the valve closes independently and the piston rod is locked in the desired position. When the locking force is exceeded, the locking function in no longer given.
三、阻尼器 Damper
Damper are used as safety and function elements in order to damp speed and to slow down masses.
四、拉力气弹簧Gas traction springs
It’s a special gas spring,the basic position of gas traction springs is with inserted piston rod. On usually situation,it’s short (standard situation).When giving pulling force, it will moves to the longest position.When release force, it will retracts to the shortest position.